Sunday, June 26, 2005

Seeing Through The Heart

I was at a funeral Friday. As my family and friends reflected on what we loved and will miss about Rob, it struck me how everything else we accomplish and gain in life pales in comparison to how well we loved.

In the end, what really matters, and what we are really remembered fondly for, are simple things:

-- How well we cared about and kept in touch with family and friends.

-- How well we forgave loved ones who hurt us.

-- How well we attended to and nurtured our children.

-- How much joy we brought into the lives of those around us.

I was reminded of the quote of author/teacher/monk Jack Kornfield who said that enlightenment is nothing more than the ability to see the world through your heart.

Doing that everyday, amidst our busy and complicated existence, is a life-long project.


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Making Intuitive Decisions

In finishing off Michael Ray's latest book, THE HIGHEST GOAL, I was struck by a simple decision making tool he teaches his MBA classes as Stanford.

I think it's powerful in its simplicity and by the way it accesses your intuition, that deeper place of wisdom.

Here is what you do. Reduce a decision to two options. Reach for a coin and assign each side to a particular outcome. (If it comes up heads I will take option A. If it comes up tails, I will take option B.)

Make yourself still, by settling down and taking a few deep breaths. Flip the coin.

As soon as the coin reveals its recommendation, pay careful attention to your reaction.

If you react with a "yes, I knew that was the best way" you have your answer. If it is a "no, that doesn't feel right", you also have you answer.

What a simple way of checking in with your intuition.
