Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Einstein once said that the greatest problems we face, cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created them.

This principle is at work in all our lives. The big, recurrent, problems we face (in our lives, careers, and relationships) cannot be solved being who we are now. We need to grow. Growth shifts our perspectives, raises our level of awareness, evolves our consciousness and allows us to
transcend our current problems.

At it deepest level, this is a journey of spirit.

Unfortunately, based on how little effort our culture actually focuses on these issues, their is a lot of evidence we are all fairly addicted to our current level of narcissism. (Which is not good news for the planet.)

However, if you are one of the few who are interested in learning more about your own evolution, I can recommend the recent article in WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT magazine.

It contains a powerful discussion between Philosopher Ken Wilbur and WIE Editor Andrew Cohen.

I think you will enjoy it.

Life and
Business Coach Steve Mitten MCC